7 Day Uncrossing Candle


Experience a profound spiritual cleanse with our 7 Day Uncrossing Candle. Expertly crafted to aid in the removal of hexes, crossed conditions, and various forms of negative energies, this candle is your ally in restoring balance and positivity to your life. Utilize it like a smudge stick, sweeping away negativity from your aura before igniting its flame.

Key Features:

  • Spiritual Cleansing: Ideal for eliminating hexes, self-defeating thoughts, evil eye, jinxes, and bad luck.
  • Versatile Use: Can be used as a smudge stick before lighting for an all-around spiritual cleanse.
  • Long Burn Time: Enjoy approximately 120 hours of burn time, providing a week of continuous spiritual uncrossing.


  • Candle Type: Uncrossing Candle
  • Dimensions: 2 3/8 inches wide x 8 inches tall
  • Composition: 100% Paraffin Wax with a lead-free cotton wick

Our 7 Day Uncrossing Candle is more than just a candle; it's a spiritual tool designed to purify and protect. As it burns, envision the dissolution of all negative energies and the ushering in of a renewed sense of peace and clarity.


Q1: How do I use the 7 Day Uncrossing Candle?

A1: Before lighting the candle, use it to sweep over your body for a full spiritual cleanse. Then light it with the intention of removing negativity.

Q2: Is it safe to leave the candle burning continuously?

A2: While designed for a long burn time, never leave the candle unattended. Extinguish it when leaving the room or going to sleep.

Q3: Can the candle be used in specific rituals or practices?

A3: Absolutely! This candle is suitable for various spiritual and cleansing rituals.

Q4: How often should I use the candle for effective results?

A4: Use as needed, depending on your personal spiritual practice and circumstances.



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